Detect electrical energies at feed and relay ends
Level of Energisation (derived)
Leakage Current
Rail Resistance
DC Track circuit charger input and output voltage
Track feed battery charger output current
DC feed end and relay end voltage & Current
Voltage & charging /discharging current of battery
Incoming & outgoing TPR voltage
Status of Potential free contact of Track feed charger
Increases availability of Track circuit
Track circuit failures are detected before causing signalling system failure
Meantime to repair is reduced as insight into the failure is provided by a remote condition monitoring system.
Reduces maintenance cost and the repair is done the first time right.
By understanding the error, the maintenance time will be reduced based on the state of equipment.
Real-time condition monitoring data send to remote area or Control room without going to shut in critical condition.
Based on the sensed data the failures are predicted before failure occurs.
Equipment is attended by the Technician before it fails.
Maintenance of inventory can be customized on need basis, reducing the cost of unused inventory
Online graphical signatures for parameters monitoring
Alarms generations
Historical report on generated alarms.